Dressing Up Windows with Curtains and Blinds

Dressing Up Windows with Curtains and Blinds

Home windows are not always a primary consideration for homeowners when they make plans to furnish or improve the design of their interiors. This doesn’t mean though that we can just ignore or give little attention to our windows. In fact, these are among the first elements of the home that guests take notice of. Also, the amount of light that gets in and give more (or less) visibility to interior design is regulated through the windows. Because they get considerable attention, it’s important that we make these home fixtures looking good and presentable. This can be done by giving the frames an attractive paint color that matches the other shades present in the house, or drape them with curtains and blinds.

When installing curtains and blinds, you have to take into consideration the nature of the room where you intend to place them. Is it a part of the house that could really use curtains and blinds? If it is, what type would look good in it? As you can see, questions of practicality and style need to be answered before you go ahead and put those window treatments. This is to make sure that you get the kind of impact you want once curtains and blinds are in place.

If we’re talking about a lounge, for instance, we definitely want something on the windows that look pleasing and not some bland drapery that only fades into the background. We want guests to take notice of the relaxing appeal of our curtains and blinds when we chill out with them in our home’s lounge corner.

Another section of the house where we spend a lot of time with guests would be the dining room. A good idea would be to have a windows treatment style that goes well with the overall theme of the entire dining area. We want something here that does not grab attention but very presentable. Curtains and blinds for dining room windows can take a simple design with colors and shades that blend nicely and subtly with nearby furnishings and fixtures.

curtains and blinds

When it’s time to call it a day, we all naturally head to our last stop before we go to dreamland: the bedroom. This is that part of the house where the homeowner’s personal taste and practicality are reflected. The bedroom almost always reveals our favorite color scheme, style patterns, and design preferences, and we want our windows dressed up accordingly. More often, we want our window treatments here to black out light coming from outside through the windows. This means preference is given to heavy or lined curtains and blinds, especially if you opt for light colors.

These are just some basic ideas on what you need to consider when installing curtains and blinds in your home. We’ll be talking more about these window treatments in the coming days, as well as related topics that might be of interest to you and to all those who are looking to read more about home improvement stuff, with focus on curtains and blinds, in particular.