Cellular Blinds and Modern Efficiency

Cellular Blinds and Modern Efficiency

In the old days, home decor and office styling were all about expressing your personality and impressing people. Consumers picked a color scheme and used air conditioning or heating to figure out temperature. Blinds had nothing to do with efficiency. For several years, however, consumers have been given a choice: concentrate on good looks alone or furnish and decorate a home or office in practical ways which save energy and money while also being stylish.

Usefulness of Window Treatments

Effective measures to reduce one’s carbon footprint and save money include major projects such as re-roofing, re-siding, and improving windows. Maintenance of HVAC systems is important. Improving efficiency can also be as simple as adding window treatments. Items such as Venetian and ready made Roman blinds have served to shut out varying degrees of light, block drafts, and also offer privacy. Cellular blinds, also known as honeycomb blinds, are of particular interest to consumers looking to conserve energy.

cellular blinds

Cellular Blinds and Extreme Temperatures

Insulation is not just the act of retaining heat. To insulate means to conserve any temperature. A thermos, for instance, can be used to keep cold drinks cold or hot soup hot. There are certain rooms in a building which suffer from extremes because of exposure on two sides to wind and sun, so every additional measure to reduce AC/Heating costs is warranted.

Cellular blinds provide that additional support. Their built-in pockets act like heat or cold catchers. They supply a buffer between outside temperatures and those inside. While these window shades cannot help with a leaky roof or lack of interior wall insulation, they are useful for blocking drafts and keeping out the severe heat of a high summer sun.

cellular blinds

Go Cellular

How do you get your hands on these high-tech blinds? The same way you buy ready made Roman blinds, roller blinds, and other forms of window coverings: online or in stores. They sound fancy but are widely available and can be extremely affordable. Online pricing is particularly approachable. If you are ordering for standard-sized windows, it is possible to meet your budgetary expectations without scrimping on aesthetics. Think of a color, design, or fabric and it is probably available in the form of a cellular blind.